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International Day Of The Girl Child Celebration – Zemu D/A Basic School

The International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated annually on October 11th with the aim to promote and empower girls and young women all around the world. This year, the theme for the day was “Invest in the Right of Girls, our leadership,  our well-being.”

A program was organized in Zemu D/A Basic school to celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child. The school children participated in a march on the streets of Zemu. The students were carrying cards with different inscriptions related to the importance of girl child education. The march stopped at the chief’s palace and proceeded to the Zemu CHPS Zone, where a health talk was arranged. The health talk focused on two main topics; the importance of girl child education and teenage pregnancy.

The talk aimed at creating an awareness among the children, particularly the girl child, about the consequences of getting pregnant at an early age and the importance of education in shaping one’s future. The speaker highlighted the fact that when a girl is educated, she has a better chance of being financially independent, making informed decisions, and positively contributing to the development of her community.

The children also spoke out on the importance of girl child education. They carried cards with beautiful handwritten messages applauding the need to educate girls. The messages included “Avoid Teenage pregnancy, Encourage Your Child to become President, Ministers, and Police; Send your Girl Child to School.” These messages were accompanied by the name and class of the student who had written the message. The girls were also taken through how to prepare doughnut(Blofot) as they went back.

The International Day of the Girl Child is a crucial occasion that promotes gender equality, advocacy, empowerment, and education for girls. The activities in Zemu D/A Basic school on this day aimed to create an awareness among the children about the importance of girl child education and the adverse consequences of teenage pregnancy. The promotion of girl child education is essential for the development of a nation. It is, therefore, imperative that we educate and empower our girls to become future leaders who can bring positive change to their communities.

School Children,  Teachers and Health Workers

School children Receiving Health Talk

Doughnut Preparation


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